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Oschatz GmbH Ausmelt

Oschatz supplies a furnace and hood cooling that is integrated into and therefore assures a better economic efficiency of the smelting ISASMELT Ausmelt

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The ISASMELT process is an energy efficient smelting process that was jointly developed from the 1970s to the 1990s by Mount Isa Mines Limited a subsidiary of MIM

View Notes from ENG 111 at Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa Ausmelt / Isasmelt Matte Smelting Basic Operations Ausmelt/Isasmelt copper

PDF Outotec Ausmelt TSL Process

Outotec Ausmelt TSL Process 003 Superior environmental performance The Ausmelt TSL Process is one of the most energy efficient smelting technologies available

Glencore Technology ISASMELT

Clean cost effective smelting with a high intensity submerged lance Glencore Technology #x27 s ISASMELT provides an innovative high intensity yet low cost