how to separate gold from copper

Extracting gold from rock

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Extracting Gold from Rock

Extracting Gold from Rock by Mike Leahy Crushing the rock Powdering the rock Mercury Where could we find mercury So how do you actually use mercury to extract gold

Gold parting

Gold parting is the separating of gold to dissolve the copper and silver in the gold Aqua regia used to separate small quantities of silver from gold


Copper is easily extracted but they are expensive to extract of two or more elements such as gold

Copper Silver and Gold

Copper Silver and Gold Contents The Royal and the solution electrolyzed to produce cathodes of pure electrolytic copper Gold and silver are usually recovered

Gold Recovery

and the like are filled with gold plated circuit boards even printers and scanners have gold silver and copper to extract the gold Gold Recovery by


so it was only a matter of time until a method was discovered that could separate Agricola discusses various types of copper produced from the liquation